Saturday, June 28, 2008

Learning Thing #12

The calander application is a useful application, I think it will help me be more organized having it one the computer, instead of having things written down randomly on paper. I hope the above link works, it should embedd the calender into the blog! The calendar would be a great tool to use, you can set up assignments dates and deadlines for your students, they would of course have to have computers and internet connections available to use in the classroom(you can intergrate teaching the use of technology into the use of the calendar).

Also attached is a slide show I created from Google's Picaso of me and my husband. I enjoyed creating the slide show on the site. I look forward to playing around somemore with the Google tools!


Phil said...

Thanks Mandy's Mailbag for the tip on

I will play with that and see if I can make that happen.


Phil said...

It's me again (pbailey). I hate to bother you but I've made a small playlist on the website you gave me earlier but I can figure out how to transfer it to my blog page. Can you give me some advise on this matter please?

Thank you!


msmusicteacher said...

I've made my calendar but can't seem to get it on my blog. What link did you use, or how did you embed it into your blog?
