Sunday, June 29, 2008

Learning Thing #20

Ahhh -- the creation of YouTube, it is a commodity and I love it. I actually have used a few clips that I have pulled from youtube. The studnents think that it is "cool" that something they are learning is coming from youtube. The things that I have pulled were some clips from the old "SchoolHouseRock" video, as my school library does not have a copy of it. This is a video from youtube that I have used - how a bill becomes a law - the picture isnt that great - but it sure explains things! Here's another : Conjunction -- whats your function?

This is just one that a friend sent me that I thought was funny !


mmw said...

love the evil look video - it's LOL funny!

Sunnigal said...

Amanda, those brought back memories!! My boys used to watch "Schoolhouse Rock" and my oldest still remembers the words to "Conjunction Junction!"

Love the evil look video. I have to share that one!! He's so cute, and it's soooo funny!

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great videos! I remember those from my childhood...I am sure the students think that is so cool that you are using YouTube in the classroom!